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How Simple is it to Start Your Own Garden?

How Simple is it to Start Your Own Garden?

Think you need to be a horticulturist or something to grow your own food? Think again, all you need is your beard and your hands. Mankind’s trusty tools will take care of the rest. Look into your fridge and scour your kitchen countertops. All of this was the result of somebody or some mass farm’s production. Agriculture is one of mankind’s first great inventions that led us to the civilization we have today. It’s an invisible constant in our life that we take for granted. Each and everyday more Americans are returning back to the garden. In backyards of suburbia nestled between fences to communal plots sprouting up between city streets. Window sills have become herb dens and rooftops are being repurposed. You’ll find the greenery is in its own revery slowly reemerging back into our lives!    Growing your own vegetables is an incredibly rewarding experience. From the first touch of the spade in brown earth to the taste of the early harvest, you’ll enjoy the ride every step of the way. Now come on, let’s make your great grandfather proud.

The Journey Back to the Garden Begins 

The first thing you need to do is find a plot of land that’s suitable for growth. It can be as small or large as you’d like it. First time farmers should stick to something that they can manage. Here’s a vegetable planting schedule that will come in handy.
  • Plant in a location that gets a lot of sun. The majority of vegetables need at least six direct hours of sunlight daily. The more sun you get, the more food you get.
  • Plant in an area that has good soil and has proper drainage. A flat and level area of the land in your backyard or wherever you’re planting will suffice.
  • Have an idea what you’re going to plant so that you can prepare adequately for proper spacing.
A vegetable garden is a process, not a one and done endeavor. Before you even touch the soil, you need to have your tools on hand and at the ready. Your gardening tools are extensions of your newfound farmer persona, so get used to them they’re going to be your new best friends. Tools to Start
    • Shovel
    • Garden Hoe (or) Hoss Wheel Hoe
    • Rake
    • Wheelbarrow
    • A Backbone…
The best time to start digging is anywhere from October through December or late spring. It depends on your location and what you’re planting. Digging and overturning the soil is part of the prepping process. It’s also an excellent workout. You’ll find your groove and technique as you toil the soil under the sun. But here’s a few tips to start you out. Strike deep and once you’ve flipped your mound of dirt and grass, use your shovel to pummel the dirt and loosen it back to the ground. Get rid of any excess grass and pop it in the wheelbarrow. You can dispose of it how you like. Keep flipping the dirt mounds until you have a plot that’s ready to be hoed and raked. The goal is to have a pristine plot of dirt devoid of any junk or rocks that might be buried beneath. Here’s an example of some loving excavation inflicted upon mother earth. It should look like this during the process. Throw your rocks and junk into a nearby bucket. We’re staying manual and organic all the way here. No harsh chemical fertilizers, no electric diggers – just mean metal and calloused hands. Now is the time where you can add the initial host of proper nutrients into the garden. Any of these will do:  
  • Compost
  • Herbivore manure
  • Fish and Seaweed emulsions
  • Commercial organic fertilizers
Next, edge the sides of your garden and stop any grass or other plants and weeds from encroaching into your newfound plot. After you have a healthy dirt plot, you’ll want to take a little extra time and site your plants. When you know everything is in its proper positioning, you’ll be able to start digging with your selection of vegetables. Here’s the really fun part. You can grow anything you want! Anything. Check out the hardware store selling plants or better yet local farmers popping up around your area. You can choose between seeds or seedlings. You’ll also be able to buy posts and cages depending on the plants you choose. At this point your young garden should look a little something like this. Give your plants a good initial watering on their inauguration day. You’ve expended and given your energy into something you’re going to eventually consume. Your labor will actually become a part of you a ways down the road.   A vegetable garden is by no means a full time job, but you get what you put into it. Certain plants will need to be pricked and pruned so that they’ll produce the greatest yields come summer time. It’s a great experience to watch nature in action. Sunlight, water and your drive is creating real tangible growth. The cost factor to start isn’t much and it’s a low barrier of entry. Cultivate your beard while you’re cultivating your food. We’re all about growth here.   Make your space a part of your daily life and community. It’s a gateway to a whole new world of organic consumption, preparing your own grown meals and becoming more self-reliant. There’s going to be a lot to learn on this journey, but it starts with just a shovel full of dirt.