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Pressing the Beard Reset Button

Pressing the Beard Reset Button

Planning to completely shave off your beard for a fresh start? Some might consider the move sheer blasphemy, as hitting the beard reset button is a foreign concept to many a beard-wearer. A great beard isn't something you can regrow overnight! The thought of scrapping everything and starting anew might seem like crazy talk to some, but there are actually plenty of good reasons to rewind the clock back to day one.

Son of an itch

Whether you've had a beard for days or for years, the dreaded phenomenon known as beard itch can creep in. Depending on the climate you're in and the grooming routine you keep, beard itch can be absolutely incessant. We can't blame anyone who falls to the itch, as it can explode from a minor nuisance to an agonizing pain in no time flat. Shaving off your beard is certainly one way to set things straight and eliminate the itch, but it's a bit drastic. If you're willing to give things a little more time, the combo of our Beard Club Shampoo and Beard Oils can help soothe that horrible feeling. shutterstock_325921406.jpg

Time for a change

Whether we like it or not, the thing that never changes about this world is... change. Sometimes it's nice to take control over the chaos, which is why we don't hold it against anyone who wants to make a change in their life by hitting the reset button with their facial hair. Sometimes you take a look in the mirror and you simply want to switch things up and adopt a new style. You can certainly sculpt something new out of the remnants of your old whiskers, but shaving down zero and started fresh can make a lot of sense as well. We're sure whatever new beard style you adopt will wow friends and family alike.

New job, new you

You've been working hard at the office, plugging away from 9 to 5. You deserve bigger and better things. Maybe they're already here and you've landed that new dream position you've been working your butt off for. Or maybe you've decided the best way to make a change in life is to find a new gig altogether. While it's certainly exciting to embark on a professional horizon, it also means you might be forced to make some concessions on the facial hair front if you hope to seal the deal. Different careers and employers often come with facial hair requirements or restrictions, and they're often not up for debate. Saying farewell to a beard you've known and loved for years can sting, but think of this as a chance to try something new. Find a style that fits the H.R. handbook's guidelines. Embrace the new you. Cover.jpg Whatever your reason for hitting the beard reset button, you have an exciting adventure ahead. There are so many different styles to choose from, and that means you'll enjoy a near-limitless number of options to choose from. It can be fun to think about what's ahead, but don't get ahead of yourself! There's another very important element to consider. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your beard won't be, either.

Patience is a virtue

When you're going back to a bare face after wearing a beard for a long time, be prepared for how long it can take to grow it back out again. Your beard may take longer to fill out than expected, and different areas might lag behind others. Whatever happens, don't let it stress you out! With a bit of patience (and maybe some Beard Growth Vitamins), your brand-new beard will be here before you know it. Whatever you foster in the end will be well worth the wait, and it'll have you looking killer.

Enjoy your fresh start

Hitting the beard reset button can be scary, but it doesn't have to be. Think of this as an opportunity to have some fun! Go off the rails. Try some styles you'd never have considered back in the day. You're older and wiser now, and certainly a lot more confident. Go ahead and switch things up with a fresh style! You're starting back at day zero, making it the perfect time to be bold. There's so much potential in that beard of yours. Let it sprout forth and take you to never-before-seen heights of greatness!