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What Can Biotin Do For Your Beard?

What Can Biotin Do For Your Beard?

Biotin is an important part of the B vitamin complex. It naturally occurs in many different kinds of food. Its essential responsibility in your body’s ecosystem is for the creation of fatty acids and glucose. It’s also responsible for maintaining the structure of keratin (fibrous protein) in your hair follicles. A majority of people consume their daily biotin intake through regular foods like: eggs, whole grains, almonds, milk products and bananas. While there is no consensus on how much biotin supplementation helps thicken and strengthen hair – there is some evidence that if you have a deficiency it’ll help you grow a better beard.
Benefits of Biotin for Beard Growth?
For those individuals that had a deficiency, there was evidence in this trial that supplementation counteracted the negative effects associated with it. In a more specifically focused trial, women who felt that they had thinning hair were put on a supplementation plan and found that their hair thickened after taking it. The conclusion of their study stated: “The oral supplement assessed in this study safely and effectively promotes significant hair growth in women with temporary hair thinning.” There is proof that biotin assists in hair growth when there are deficiencies and we can assume that this affects beards as well. Most men will get the majority of their biotin from their daily caloric intake. It’s unlikely you have a biotin deficiency. Instead you should focus on supplementing biotin with a mix of other vitamins. Which is why for example, our horsetail extract (which contains biotin) in our beard growth vitamins is just one component of a larger mix of essentials needed for beard growth.
Vitamins in the Mix
bottles of beard vitamins and oil
Everyone unconsciously knows that they should be eating healthier. It’s a simple fact of life that your body and brain will perform better when they’re consuming the essentials. That’s why we go past the simple vitamins responsible for growth and instead offer a multivitamin that’ll not only contribute to growth, but overall health and well-being as well. You have to commit over a long period of time and keep eating and supplementing with the necessary vitamins and food nutrients to grow a thicker and fuller beard. This isn’t going to happen overnight. Eating a balanced diet will coincide with other areas of your life. You’ll have more energy to commit to a dedicated workout plan. All of this has a compounding effect on itself. Workouts eliminate stress – the biggest killer of them all. That includes your beard! When you’re stressed, you increase your production of cortisol in your body. Which then leads to less testosterone as well. Nobody wants less of that bro! Testosterone as you may know is responsible for triggering and maintaining superior beard growth. Stress also constricts blood vessels and ruins the entire flow and puts a damper on nutrients running through your bloodstream and reaching your hair follicles. Put simply, there are four components of beard growth you have within your own control:
  • Proper supplementation and nutrition.
  • Staying physically fit.
  • Eliminating Stress.
  • Proper grooming techniques for maximum growth.

You and your beard have everything you’ll need for long-term growth success. So let’s get out there and get growing!