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Why You Should Grow A Beard

Why You Should Grow A Beard

If you've made it here to the Beard Club Blog, chances are you have at least a passing interest in beards. We’re fans, too—in fact, we happen to believe all beards (both big and small) are worthy of praise. But maybe you’re reading this and, for whatever reason, you still haven't committed to growing a beard of your own. Perhaps you’re looking for inspiration. Or maybe you simply need a bit of a push. Whatever the case, we can offer a litany of reasons why today should be the day you begin growing your own beast of a beard.

Man with beard looking at his side smiling

A Whole New You

One of the best things about a beard is how it can change up your look in unexpected—and flattering—ways. If you've never seen what you look like with your whiskers grown out, you've done yourself a disservice. Until you actually grow out your beard, it can be tough to picture exactly how transformative it can be. Work on grooming a straightforward beard, take a gander at yourself in the mirror and see what the new you has to say.

Man with thick beard and sunglasses

Beards Make the Man

“Clothes make the man,” or so the saying goes. Honestly, we find that notion has become outdated. Keeping up with clothing fads and finding a look you like while still being on-trend can turn into an expensive endeavor and requires constant research and renewal. Growing out a beard, on the other hand, gives you a look that never goes out of style and costs a whole lot less—especially when you take advantage of the great value offered by Beard Club products! All you need is a sturdy razor and some patience. That’s all it takes to craft yourself a whole new look without spending a penny. There are countless styles for you to experiment with, from the short-boxed beard to the mountain man and everything in-between. Give them all a shot, and see which works for you. And once you find the look that best suits you, you won’t have to worry about keeping up with trends or whims—your beard is about you, not the rules of Fashion Avenue tastemakers.

Man with beard and wet hair

A Sense of Pride

Is there any feeling quite so fulfilling as seeing an epic task through to completion? The moment you meet your goal, the rush of satisfaction can be downright intoxicating. The good news is that you’ll get the exact same feeling from your first beard. It may require some changes to your regular routine, a bit of self-care with trimming and shaving, and a commitment to the look. Eventually, though, you'll hit the moment when you've grown out the facial hair you imagined, and your accomplishment is going to have you feeling unstoppable. 

Man with beard laughing

Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

If you've been clean-shaven your whole life, it can be scary to think about tackling facial hair. You won't know what it'll look like, nor do you know what snags you'll hit along the way. It's normal to be a bit worried about a new path, but we know you've got this. Take a chance and step outside of your day-to-day routine. Something as simple as growing out facial hair for a new look can give you a confidence boost that'll carry through to other areas of your life.

Man touching stubble on cheek

For the Fallen

It’s tough to think about, but there are some men out there who can't seem to grow a beard to save their lives. There’s a pretty good chance we can help out some of those poor souls with our line of beard growth kits, featuring a beard roller and other beard enhancing tools. There are some guys who won’t be able to grow a whisker no matter how hard they try. Rather than look down at those fallen brothers, we believe the rest of us should stand up and fulfill our duty. Grow out your beard! Wear it loud and proud, and represent those who wish they could join us on the facial hair front lines! 

All in all, there's very little reason to not give live your best bearded life. After all, the worst that could happen is that you decide you don’t like it and (ugh) go back to your baby-faced ways. Somehow, though, we don’t think it’ll come to that. Once you see your first full-on beard in all its glory, you'll never want to turn back.