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Does cutting your beard help it grow?

Does cutting your beard help it grow?

Guys who are new to growing a beard will inevitably ask themselves a question many have pondered. Does cutting your beard help it grow? The answer to that question isn’t as straightforward as you might think. While the act of shaving or cutting your beard will not make your whiskers thicker or stronger, trimming/grooming can indirectly lead to better beard growth. Feeling a bit confused by it all? Don’t worry, we’re here to explain.

Does trimming a beard make it grow faster?

Man trimming his beard with scissors
First off, let’s qualify what we mean by trimming. Tackling a trim doesn’t mean lobbing off a few inches, but rather a tiny length of hair. The tool of choice for this approach should be a pair of quality grooming scissors. These will be used to cut away the split ends that crop up during your beard’s growth phase.  Having trouble figuring out what a split end is? With beards, split ends are dry, wiry-looking bits that stick out from the rest of your facial hair. Not only do these split ends detract from your style, they also hinder growth. Getting rid of these stray hairs will stimulate your beard by allowing new hair room to flourish. While on split end duty, make sure to keep tabs on the mustache area. This is usually where most split ends crop up, and they're quite noticeable. Mustaches tend to grow in quickly, so you’ll need to really stay on top of things. There’s no doubt you’ll build up your scissor prowess while weeding out the ol' cookie duster. Trimming isn’t just about split end management, though. As your beard continues to grow, you’ll find that certain areas will outpace others. This can leave you with a beard that looks misshapen and unkempt. Time to take those scissors and pair them with a trimmer to help eliminate flyaways, and even out the asymmetrical spots. When grooming, don’t be afraid to get in the trenches and really give your beard a once-over. Working the rough spots and dead hair can lead to healthier growth. Even better, keeping a trimming routine can speed up beard growth in general. Out with the old, dead hair and in with the new! Though split ends and uneven patches are unavoidable, trimming can help stave off trouble in the future. If you’re looking for extra protection, marry your grooming routine with a high quality Beard Oil to take things to the next level. It’s all about keeping up the fight against damaged and uneven hair. Regular trimming and beard oil is the perfect combo to lock in a great-looking beard.
beard products in a box

Will shaving everyday help grow my beard?

The simple answer to this question is a very straightforward ‘no.’ Shaving every day is not going to help your beard grow. Men much smarter than us have put a lot of time and effort into figuring out the science of beards, and their data on the subject is extremely convincing. Their research boils down to this. There are four phases of hair growth: anagen, catagen, telogen and exogen. The first phase involves a growing period of about three to five years. Following that, the catagen phase is a quick blip of one to two weeks where hair starts to degrade. After that, your facial hair enters the Telogen phase, which is when your whiskers call it quits and stop growing. If you’re lucky, your hair will grow back after this phase and the process begins anew. If not, your beard will head into the exogen phase. This is when your facial hair starts shedding. The hair just kind of sits on your face, waiting to be brushed or washed away. The whiskers have served their time, and we salute them as they fall from grace. The average person sheds anywhere from fifty to one hundred hairs a day, so don’t worry, you’re not alone.
man fixing his beard

Putting an end to the age-old discussion

Hopefully we’ve cleared up the confusion on whether shaving your beard makes it grow faster. With the trimming facts checked and science deciphered, you now know that your hair is in a constant state of change. The four different growth phases, or the “beard circle of life,” make for facial hair that’s always on the move. Sometimes your whiskers are growing long and strong, other times they’re taking a break. There are even instances where your hair has called it a day, or is poised to start at the beginning again.  Trimming works to give your beard a better presentation overall. The manual face labor can do away with dead hair, trim out split ends, even up patchy bits, and open space for new hair to breathe. The actual act of trimming won’t magically make all of your whiskers grow exponentially, but it can be enough to make your beard look better overall, while giving incoming hair the best chance to thrive.  In the end, there’s one thing we can say with 100% certainty. Trimming your beard is a surefire way to keep your facial hair in tip-top shape, and it won’t do anything to stunt what you’ve got going. Why not give it a go? A regular trimming routine is the ultimate way to put your best face forward.