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How To Grow Your Beard Faster: Top Techniques and Tools

How To Grow Your Beard Faster: Top Techniques and Tools

It’s a fact that facial hair not only makes most men more attractive, but it also has several health benefits. A patchy beard and sparse facial hair growth can be discouraging, but the good news is that there are ways to turn that patchy beard into a full beard.

Why Do Some Beards Grow Slower and Patchier?

The appearance of a thicker beard comes down to several key genetic factors, including beard hair thickness, density, color, hair loss, and length. However, there are several ways to boost beard growth, including beard and skin cleansing, physical exercise and dieting, beard grooming, beard oils, and other methods.

This process is different for every person because, like beard variety, there is also beard growth variety. For one person, getting on a good exercise routine could be just what they need, while for another person, their diet is the most important variable.

For some men, investing in products that promote growth could be the way to go. A high-quality beard cleanser or beard oil could be the exact spark they need. Others still could use a bit of patience and discipline.

Figuring out how to get your beard to the next level can take some time and patience — but it’s worth it. Luckily for all beard fans, we put together all the best options available to you right here below. Now, all that you ever have to worry about is trying each one of these tips out and seeing what works best for you.

The Beard Club is here for you and wants to see you succeed. The research is finished, so let’s see how to grow a beard. May the trials begin, and may the beards flourish. 

1. A Good Exercise Routine

Exercise promotes a healthier beard as well as overall health. By quickening your heart rate, exercise stimulates your body’s blood flow which in turn more efficiently transports nutrients throughout your body. 

This is not only how muscles grow, but hair as well. On top of the blood flow increase, working out triggers testosterone responses, which are essential for beard growth. Get that gym membership or start running outside, or even casually walk around the neighborhood.

Low testosterone can be hard on your hair growth. The goal is to get that body moving and blood and testosterone levels pumping. You could have new hair in no time!

2. Hydration and Diet

Hydrate or die-drate. Diet or die. 

While equal parts silly and dark, these puns hold some truth. The nourishment you take into your body is essential to your growth and development, even when you’re an adult.

As we covered, a good exercise routine stimulates your body’s blood flow, but that is not as helpful if you’re not taking in the proper nutrients. Drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet are equally important. We’re not asking you to cut out lots of food, but you need to cut out junk food and replace it with foods good for you.

A healthy diet does not equal eating less, and it certainly does not equal eating less tasty. Foods with vitamins E, D, C, B, and A, as well as biotin, are essential to incorporate into your meals. Fruits, veggies, fish, whole grains, and eggs are classic examples of go-to nutrient-dense foods that can promote beard health.

3. Your Skincare Routine

If your skin isn’t as clear as you’d like, then your beard may be struggling due to clogged pores, ingrown hairs, and irritated skin. These issues are detrimental to beard growth, which is the reason skincare is another essential point on our list. Finding a good beard wash or facial cleanser goes a long way in solving this issue.

If you’re prone to sensitive skin, seek a cleanser that works best for you. Most men can find everything they need in a Beard Growth Kit. These kits feature essential products for beard growth and maintenance. 

In addition to your skincare routine, make a new habit of not touching your face or beard. The oils and dirt on your hands are the primary offenders when dealing with clogged pores. 

Skincare goes hand-in-hand with beard care, so prevent those acne breakouts from dead skin cells and dandruff! Your beard will thank you for your efforts.

4. Brush and Derma-Roll Your Beard

In addition to physically removing a lot of the dirt and dead skin clogging your pores, using a beard brush stimulates the skin and, subsequently, your face’s blood flow and blood circulation. Not to mention, a brushed beard often looks so much better and can help straighten out those hairs to cover bald spots.

The Derma Roller takes a slightly different approach. Rather than exfoliating, it pricks the upper layers of skin. This process leads to the stimulation of your hair follicles and can help you grow a thick beard. 

5. Beard Oil 

Once your cleanser has been put to use, the derma roller has pricked your skin, or you’ve exfoliated, it’s imperative to replenish the nutrients you’ve stripped away. Gone are the bad oils. It’s time for some good oils (and balms).

A high-quality Beard Balm hydrates and nourishes your beard and skin. Before applying this product, however, make sure to hydrate your face with a moisturizer. Moisturizing works in tandem with your beard oil and will help prevent dry, itchy skin and beard dandruff.

Some of the best oil ingredients to look for in a beard oil are castor, sunflower, seed, coconut, avocado, jojoba, and rice oil — like in our Beard Growth Oil. That healthy beard you want could be a few drops away.

6. Beard Vitamins

Here’s another tool to put in your beard care arsenal: supplements. A properly-balanced diet is definitely the best way to go, but it’s easy to come up short in this regard. That is why taking beard vitamins is essential: Beard Vitamins can help cover any gaps of nutrients left out by your diet.

If you don’t love oral supplements, then try applying the Beard Growth Vitamin Spray directly to your beard. This serum can even be coupled with oral supplements and a robust diet for maximum effect.

A Final Word on Full Beards and Healthy Hair

The question “How do you grow your beard faster?” is probably just as important as the question “Why do you want to grow your beard faster?” You probably already have an answer for the latter, considering you’re searching for ways to accomplish your goal.

Maybe you’ve got the eternally youthful “baby face” and want a little more definition to your jawline. Or perhaps you want to change up your style, and there’s a certain beard look you’re going for. No matter what brought you here today, know that you’re entering a community of men who take pride in striving for the best beard possible. The Beard Club is here to help.

Finally, don’t lose confidence over a patchy beard. Everyone is different, and there are also various ways to style your beard that don’t require a fuller beard. Love your facial hair because it’s yours, and it’s unique from everyone else’s. The growth rate doesn’t define you!


The Association between Exercise and Androgenetic Alopecia: A Survey-Based Study | PMC

The Beauty of Beards | Reporter Magazine

Ways On How to Grow Beard Faster | USC